Avoid Chain Smoking
Tips To Avoid SmokingTips To Avoid Smoking
Tips To Avoid Smoking 1.   Tell everyone that you are giving up smoking: Friends and family often give support and may help you. Smoking by others in the household makes giving up harder. If appropriate, try to get other househ...
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Bad Effect Of SmokingBad Effect Of Smoking
Bad Effect Of Smoking  1.Bad skin:  Because smoking can slow the flow of blood vessels, it can prevent oxygen and nutrients from getting to the skin  which is why smokers often appear pale and unhealthy. Studies have also linked smoking to an increased risk of getting a type of ...
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Fact About SmokingFact About Smoking
Fact About Smoking 1.    For every person that dies from a smoking-related disease, there are 20 more who suffer from at least one serious illness associated with smoking. 2.    Smoking is the cause of 1 in 10 deaths in the india annually. And tobacc...
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